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Oily Game Changer

My essential oils story is probably like most, I was introduced, and highly skeptical, had a major experience, and now I won't live with out them. If you want the full story you'll find it in my book or the modified version on my about page.


But it was only a matter of time before the oils made their way into my yoga classes. And because of the growing demand from students and fellow instructors who wanted to integrate the oils into their practices, I wrote the AromaFlow Yoga book to support their efforts.


Essential oils go far beyond a yoga practice, it changed the way I saw self-care for me and my family.


And with a little bit of hustle and a whole lot of heart, financial healing and my relationship with abundance has been life altering. I've been offered a chance to break the glass ceiling as a creative, and freedom has taken on a whole new meaning.



My Oily Tribe

My Oily Tribe

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With a growing team of essential oil Luminaries, together, we are taking back our family's health, greening the planet, and embracing our new roles in the home, while being leaders in the world.


Sound like you? Click my oily page to find out.

xoxo Susan

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